Hi, I’m Sandra!


mostly raised in California

big into spontaneity

will eat any pastry, always

Just a mom who cares a whole lot -

My children keep teaching me how precious time is. How moments vaporize. How we can’t really re-live or redo a day - now is what we have!

I lean into that every day as a mom. I try to memorize the curves of my baby’s cheeks and the way my kids say “MOM!” when they need me most. I am doing my best to photograph every thing I can with them;

tiny fingers, silly faces, sunlight in their room at 4pm, her unicorn collection, his dino creation -

I can’t help but feel how special it all is.

I want to help other people remember all the things.

A beautiful and precious task <3


I’ve had a camera in

hand since 2008.

I’ve always been drawn to

honest imagery that 

reflects the space you’re in.

-I'm a big (small) detail person. I thrive off of the littlest things being cared for with tons of love.
-I will probably use a lot of exclamation points in my emails!!!!!!!! (don't be freaked out - I'm just really excited about everything)
-I firmly believe in being a cat AND dog person - why can't ya love both?
-I've been to many countries and I hope to always travel! Cultures and exploring are big values of mine.
-If you don't like to giggle we're probably a bad fit. I think laughter is literally the best medicine.
-I would rather spend money on a plane ticket than shoes or clothes; hence, why I'm a thrift queen.
-I think about the ramen I ate in Japan often.
-Selena Quintanilla is my actual icon of choice; perfect in unlimited ways.

If you want a photographer who will be a pal, let's chat.

I'm all about making new friends.

I’m an extroverted introvert who loves to ask questions and make people laugh.